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Good Twin and Evil Twin

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September 23, 2012
Posts: 5

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Hey world,

How are you? (I'm great thanks!) so this is the first post I'm doing on Canadian Passions but I tend to write a post on a different passion site each month, being Canadian myself I had to make this one fun. For any of you who've talked to me on a personal level you'd know that yes I do have an identical twin (I'm the cuter one, but that's our secret )

Last week we were debating about the crazy world of dating because a mutual friend of ours just called it quits with his girlfriend. So here we are trying to figure out what went wrong?--now I'm no Dr. Phil but I am a curious brother makes the call and says it's because he was too nice (sheez how crazy is that?...or could being nice be the cause?)

So next thing we knew my brother being the hunter of the family challenges me to go out on a limb and try being more firm where I challenged him to be full out disney for 48 hours) truth be told I got over 15 replies and he got under 7--so the famous nice guys finish last?

In the end we agreed on the following....If a guy goes all out disney on her its not being nice that kills it but being FAKE does....I mean sheez if I walk up to girl and pitch "your SO BEAUTIFUL" I wouldnt be surprised if she says "I know....I hear it a billion times a day" its not the complment but how its presented that matters

Being a Jerk id say somthing boarderline insuting to hold her attention but at the end of it its a cheap thing to do and well you get the rest

So what's a guy to do! there's no text book! (and there never will be, sorry boys ) I think the best approach is sincerity with playful teasing what I like to do is tease over somthing silly like a t-shirt or sport team

example if I'm a Montreal canadians fan and X girl is wearing a Toronto shirt I'd tease by saying "how'd the leafs sign that smile, I hear Montreal wants it" if the girl is creative she'll follow the joke or at least give you points for being out of the box

In the end there's a little good and a little evil in all of us. its like putting too much salt or too little sugar it spoils it but if you get it right its perfect

what do you think? feel free to inbox comments, opinions anytime and ill get back to you when I can


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